We all want it, we all believe we have it. We don't, in fact It has us.
But let me back up, I will tell you a little story, There once was a girl, she was born to two loving parents, a huge extended family and a sister who swore she was her baby! She grew up in the country, knowing she was loved. Her dad was a cop and her mom worked at the church. She spent her first five years as her grandmother and great grandmothers constant companion. She started school and exceled for the first 8 years. Then she learned that the power of the word No only mattered when It was respected and that some people cared only about controling others.
Fast forward three years, she is 17 now, and sitting in her bedroom with a pair of scissors, watching her arm bleed. The only thing that stops the pain inside is the control she has at this moment.
But who is really in control?
Fast forward again, she is now 21, she dosen't cut anymore, now she binges and then starves herself. All so that something is in her control.
Do we really ever have control? Is controling everything healthy? I stop and think about the people I know, how many of them have struggled in someway with disorders relating to control. I know that God calls us to something more. He came to earth and gave up all control in His life, for us. He could have stopped it all, but He didn't, He died for us.
Can we surrender control to God? Can we give Him everything and rest in the knowledge that He will supply all our needs?
"Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."
Matthew 26:39
What are you clinging to, what control are you not giving to God?
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