I am in love! I always dreamed about the way it would be. He is amazing; He shows me everyday how much I mean to Him. He brings me fresh, beautiful flowers all the time. He writes me letters, telling me how much I mean to Him. He catches my tears in His hands and cries with me when I am sad. He smiles when I am happy, or when I learn something new. He knows that I need to fall sometimes and He lets me, and when I am ready to stand again, He reaches out open arms to embrace me. Sometimes I am mean and spiteful, I yell at Him and I get mad, blaming Him for some offense I feel He has done to me. He never yells back, He stands patiently, until my anger fades and when I weep tears of grief, it is His arms I cling to. When I make mistakes, I hurt Him, but He always forgives when I ask, and when I try to bring it up again and apologize, He asks what for, because He has forgotten. He knows I am human, and I will screw up, He also knows that more then anything, I need Him to keep loving me, and the best part is, He will.
So, by now you should have figured out that I am talking about God. I wanted to write it this way to show all the little things He does for us that we take for granted. I don't always believe that I am worthy of love, that I really don't deserve it or will ever find it. God says I am, He calls me beautiful, me, beautiful. That is not a word I would ever use about myself. I don't see myself that way, because I look through the eyes of the world. But the God, who made everything in this world, calls me beautiful. I hurt Him when I don't believe. How often do we question and judge ourselves through the world's eyes, and in the process, hurt the one who made us? How often do we question God? Why did you make me this way? Why is this how I am? How many tears does He cry for you? He loves you so much!
Romans 9:20-21
"But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? "Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'" Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?"
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